About the MFOA

The Manitoba Football Officials Association (MFOA) was formally established in 1951. Since that time it has been providing tackle football officials to most leagues within the Province of Manitoba. These leagues operate primarily within the City of Winnipeg and the surrounding area. At the present time, the MFOA provides officials and timekeepers for players aged 15 years and above. This includes local community club and high school leagues through to senior players competing nationally at the university, senior and junior levels. While we are an amateur association, we strive to maintain the highest officiating standards and thus conduct on-going training and development of our football officials through the delivery of nationally recognized training clinics. The MFOA is a member of the Canadian Football Officials Association (CFOA), Football Manitoba, and Football Canada.
https://footballcanada.com/development/officials/#overview (Football Canada Official Services and Resources)
The CFOA coordinates national training and development of officials through the production of approving training materials and evaluation procedures. This ensures consistent levels oexpertise and procedures across the country, which is critical when officials and teams travel from one region to another. As well, the CFOA has the responsibility of maintaining the approved rule book, and for coordinating updates and changes to this book. It is a member of Football Canada.
https://cfoaref.com/ (Canadian Football Officials’ Association)
Football Manitoba is the governing body for football within the province. It is ultimately responsible for administering all aspects of the game here in Manitoba. It is an organization of volunteers dedicated to the promotion of all those things that lead to excellence and participation in the sport of Football. Its main role is that of facilitator and arbitrator of football related matters. Programs and services of Football Manitoba are funded by Sport Manitoba. It is also a member of Football Canada.